TOP Kids


  • Book Children Kids Baby

    Adventure Picture Book: Haneda Airport

    Bird’s-eye views, boarding procedures, takeoff and landing scenes, work vehicles, crew members, popular airport spots... This is the first picture book to introduce Tokyo’s bustling Haneda Airport in all its exciting detail. Featuring the adorable cartoon characters Thunder Boy and Demon Girl, the precise hand-drawn illustrations are accompanied by text in both Japanese and English. The takeoff panoramas are unforgettable!

  • Book Children Kids Baby Japanese Guides Language

    Hajimete Zukan 415 with English text Outdoor Fun!

    Park, bakery, zoo, station, airport—one outdoor scene after another appears in this second bilingual volume of photos for kids. Useful vocabulary terms are provided in both Japanese and English for seasons, events, and more. Young readers can hear the English and Japanese pronunciations of the words via smartphone or computer.

  • Book Children Kids Baby Language

    Hajimete Zukan 415: My First Picture Book 415 with English text Full of Photos!

    Animals, birds, bugs, flowers, food, cars, trains, dinosaurs, and more—the 415 photographs in this bilingual book introduce all sorts of fascinating things. With text in English and Japanese, and an emphasis on words that appear in children’s songs and stories, this book is a great way for kids to learn vocabulary in both languages. Young readers can hear the English and Japanese pronunciations of every word via smartphone or computer.
