The Tale of JIRO

Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409179260X
- ISBN-13: 9784091792600
- Pages: 178
- Printing: Black & White
- Dimensions: 180mm × 127mm × 12mm
- Weight: 160g
- Issue Data: 2018/10/30
- Publisher:
Continuing to roll the finest sushi; evolution of a legendary craftsman
The product of over two years spent researching the life of now-93-year-old, still-active man of his craft, Jiro Ono. From the summer 2016 Big Comics original series of Sushi Special Edition comes the much sought-after special volume—The Tale of JIRO.
Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409179260X
- ISBN-13: 9784091792600
- Pages: 178
- Printing: Black & White
- Dimensions: 180mm × 127mm × 12mm
- Weight: 160g
- Issue Data: 2018/10/30
- Publisher: