The Traveling Emperor

Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409388630X
- ISBN-13: 9784093886307
- Pages: 272
- Printing: Black & White
- Dimensions: 188mm × 130mm × 20mm
- Weight: 330g
- Issue Data: 2018/10/17
- Publisher: Shogakukan Inc.
The account of His Majesty the Emperor’s incredible 2018 journey
According to both Imperial Household Agency conferences and journalist documentation, their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan covered a distance that would wrap around the globe 15½ times during their 2018 travels. Here, their numerous visits to each prefecture are analyzed and episodes from their journey recall both their personalities and accomplishments during their reign in the Heisei period.
Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409388630X
- ISBN-13: 9784093886307
- Pages: 272
- Printing: Black & White
- Dimensions: 188mm × 130mm × 20mm
- Weight: 330g
- Issue Data: 2018/10/17
- Publisher: Shogakukan Inc.