Buttons: An Illustrated Guide to Pressing

Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409259206X
- ISBN-13: 9784092592063
- Pages: 128
- Printing: Color
- Dimensions: 182mm × 128mm × 10mm
- Weight: 190g
- Issue Data: 2022/6/15
- Publisher: Shogakukan Inc.
Don't hesitate to press the button. If you press it, you'll see!
Bus "stop" buttons, elevator buttons, quiz buttons, emergency buttons, among many others. This book instroduces more than fifty kinds of buttons that you might commonly be tempted to press, along with their mechanisms. Buttons that you should never press are also included!
Product details
- Language: Japanese
- ISBN-10: 409259206X
- ISBN-13: 9784092592063
- Pages: 128
- Printing: Color
- Dimensions: 182mm × 128mm × 10mm
- Weight: 190g
- Issue Data: 2022/6/15
- Publisher: Shogakukan Inc.